Monday, May 12, 2008

Hotdog Abomination.

There's no better way to bring down the apocalypse on us all than to use science to tamper with the natural order of things. Apparently 7-Eleven hasn't seen 28 Days Later, The Mist, The Andromeda Strain et every zombie/end of the world movie ever. If they had, they'd never have created this unholy abomination to all that isn't unholy.

Cheese filled hot dogs. The act of securing and applying cheese to our hot dogs is too much for us. We needed a solution and science came through once again. What's more, it appears that this is part of 7-11's move towards fresh foods. No, I did not make this up. Apparently these things are "fresh", so they must insert the cheese right on the spot. Mmmm, tasty.

This was all foretold in a certain work of prophetic wonders. I suggest you check it out.

Be sure to get your electrolytes. You need those for...stuff.

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